ADA_Aces Discord Plan
Discord servers for NFT projects typically help foster community to enhance utility for a project. As a primarily one-of-one artist, creativity is my utility. My goal is to grow a community of like-minded individuals with ideas & support to offer one another on a wide variety of topics, including:
♤ NFT & Traditional Art
♤ (Not) Financial Advice
♤ Philosophy
♤ Anything related to the creation & appreciation of good music
♤ Charity Collaboration for CNFT Con
♤ Dungeons & Degens (Upcoming D&D-style sessions for NFT communities)
♤ Anime & Gaming (Dragon Ball Legends in particular)
The Full Deck
Discord Role
We're all trying to Ace this or that, but it's easier to succeed when playing with a full deck. Therefore, ADA Aces Discord server will host a community of the 52 most enthusiastic, driven members of the community.
The Full Deck will be trusted, helpful individuals with a wide range of expertise on frequent topics of discussion, and it's member list will be reassessed at regular intervals. Full Deck members will also be entitled to special rewards of ADA & NFTs, as well as whitelist access to drops, and other special goodies.
It's not a fan club, but an opportunity for active, engaged community members to have their dedication rewarded and their voices heard. Becoming a Full Deck member is not a prize, it is a badge that says this person can either quench your thirst for knowledge, or point you in the direction of someone who can.